Automated Email Notification of my ETF watchlist

I wrote an automated email notification code to send out my daily ETF watchlist in csv - an extension of my ETF watchlist project here. I figured out that people will not visit my site. So why not blast out the watchlist instead:)

And if you are interested in the code. Here you go.

#Steps for sending watchlist


# Write the content of your email
msg <- paste("Hey there, I'm sending this ETF watchlist that is updated as of ", 
             "This is part of my daily automated ETF dashboard + Email notification and I thought you may be interested in it. See the following link for more details:",
             "If this irritates you too much, let me know and I can take you out of this mailing list:)","","Best,","Jirong", sep = "\n")

# Define who the sender is
sender <- ""
# Define who should get your email
recipients <- emails
              # Send your email with the send.mail function
              send.mail(from = sender,
                        to = recipients,
                        subject = "ETF Watchlist",
                        body = msg,
                        attach.files = "./Output/yahoo_crawled_data.csv",
                        smtp = list( = "", port = 587,
                           = "",
                                    passwd = Sys.getenv("mail"), ssl = TRUE),
                        authenticate = TRUE,
                        send = TRUE)
              # JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle             


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