Using exponential distribution to estimate frequency of occurence

Simulating product failures

I’m inspired by this post here ( And decided to expand on the example.

Say you are an owner of a computer store and you would like to estimate the frequency of warranty repairs - and the ensuing costs.

Here’s the scenario with the accompanying assumptions

  • Each computer is expected to last an average of 7 years
  • You only sell 1000 computers at the start of each year
  • You sell computer from 2019 to 2025

First, I simulate an exponential distribution of 1000 points for 7 years; and place a time index of 2019 to 2025


sim_repair_time = mapply(rexp, rep(1000, 7), rep(1/7, 7))
sim_repair_time = data.frame(sim_repair_time)
names(sim_repair_time) = paste0("Y", 2019:2025)
sim_repair_time$comp_index = 1:nrow(sim_repair_time)
##        Y2019     Y2020      Y2021     Y2022      Y2023     Y2024     Y2025
## 1  5.2862728 7.0456022  4.4584814  2.987471  2.4983623  1.155475  3.526856
## 2  8.2714995 0.3831851 21.3583423 16.976357  0.6371918 19.870135  8.339298
## 3  1.0199471 6.1577002 24.7270286  7.184722 13.6686444  2.692336  1.531733
## 4  0.9785668 2.0554758  4.0556961 11.680879  3.4047724  8.547126  4.098845
## 5  3.0524804 1.3899782  0.8014122  7.394160 10.8930823  1.088804  8.679067
## 6 20.2647798 1.1392965  8.5595344  3.423599  5.0281127  8.178582 15.854250
##   comp_index
## 1          1
## 2          2
## 3          3
## 4          4
## 5          5
## 6          6

Then, I - in dplyr lingo - gather the dataset (convert to long form)

sim_repair_time = sim_repair_time %>% gather(key = year, 
                                     value = spoilt_years_later, 
sim_repair_time$year = gsub("Y", "", sim_repair_time$year)

head(sim_repair_time, 50)
##    comp_index year spoilt_years_later
## 1           1 2019          5.2862728
## 2           2 2019          8.2714995
## 3           3 2019          1.0199471
## 4           4 2019          0.9785668
## 5           5 2019          3.0524804
## 6           6 2019         20.2647798
## 7           7 2019          8.6069344
## 8           8 2019          3.7777799
## 9           9 2019          6.6959725
## 10         10 2019          1.0293219
## 11         11 2019          9.7351459
## 12         12 2019          5.3342090
## 13         13 2019          8.6632249
## 14         14 2019         30.9675395
## 15         15 2019          7.3818022
## 16         16 2019          7.2467076
## 17         17 2019         13.1322462
## 18         18 2019          4.5832265
## 19         19 2019          2.3585343
## 20         20 2019          4.1193581
## 21         21 2019         16.5516068
## 22         22 2019          4.4932481
## 23         23 2019          2.0588427
## 24         24 2019          3.9610587
## 25         25 2019          0.7425084
## 26         26 2019          0.4160741
## 27         27 2019          4.0509872
## 28         28 2019         27.7125300
## 29         29 2019          8.2131847
## 30         30 2019          6.9776907
## 31         31 2019         10.0469974
## 32         32 2019          0.2608797
## 33         33 2019          2.2680711
## 34         34 2019          9.2432755
## 35         35 2019          1.4245725
## 36         36 2019          7.1590811
## 37         37 2019          2.1121865
## 38         38 2019          5.0765001
## 39         39 2019          5.2607988
## 40         40 2019          1.6451922
## 41         41 2019          7.5591680
## 42         42 2019          7.1977283
## 43         43 2019          9.0458315
## 44         44 2019          8.7717375
## 45         45 2019          3.8824898
## 46         46 2019          2.1089810
## 47         47 2019          9.0518726
## 48         48 2019          6.9618905
## 49         49 2019          3.5992201
## 50         50 2019         14.0548268

Lastly, I add the time taken for each computer to break down to the year for which the computer is bought.

#sim_repair_time$spoilt_years_later = round(sim_repair_time$spoilt_years_later, 0)
sim_repair_time$year_spoilt = sim_repair_time$spoilt_years_later + as.numeric(sim_repair_time$year)

Here is the distribution of years taken that a computer will break down.


And here is the distribution of the years that the computer will break down.


Explaining exponential distribution from first principle

If you are keen from the first principle perspective,

\[f(x) = {\lambda}e^{-\lambda x} \]

To understand pdf function here. It’s pretty simple. If you run the simulator 1000 times with mean = 7 (lambda = 1/7), and you plot the distribution, it’s mostly likely to be front-loaded.

If you fit a series of values x - N to the above function, it will be pretty similar to simulated series of values.

And if you do a mean of the simulated data, it will return close to the mean of 7

data = rexp(1000, 1/7)

## [1] 6.775649

I hope this simple example here is useful!


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