Fuzzy matching
As a computer scientist graduate, I always strive to reduce my computational complexity through parallelization or vectorization!
Explicit loops in data science is the root of evil!
For loops & while loops have their places but definitely not in data science space (fairly broad statement here).
In this post here, I hope to show a really cool example that avoids the dreaded O(n square) complexity.
I will be using fuzzy matching to find the closet match of strings in data-frame 2, df2 against data-frame 1, df1.
Note: I apologise beforehand for lack of documentation because I am simply lazy after a long Friday. Will beef this up with formal R documentation if I choose to wrap it with a R package next time.
Creating the first function to incorporate indexing
In this function, what I am trying to find is the Levenshtein distance i.e. minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other.
In the test case below, the difference between “abc” and “abcdef” is Levenshtein distance of 3.
suppressMessages(sapply(c("utils", "dplyr"), require, character.only = T))
## utils dplyr
adist_mod = function(df, index_col, index_row, string){
dist = adist(df[index_row, index_col], string)
df1 = data.frame(id = 1:7,
places = c("abc", "tzy", "abcd", "wxyz", "sentosa", "marina","marina2")
df1$places = as.character(df1$places)
adist_mod(df1, 2, 1, "abcdef")
## [1] 3
Creating the next function to find the smallest Levenshtein distance in all strings in df1 against a single row from df2.
#create best match function
best_match = function(df, index_col, string){
dist = mapply(adist_mod,
index_col = rep(index_col, nrow(df)),
index_row = 1:nrow(df),
string = rep(string),
MoreArgs = list(df)
min_dist = data.frame(
place2 = rep(string, nrow(df)),
place1 = df[, index_col],
dist = dist
min_dist$place2 = as.character(min_dist$place2)
min_dist$place1 = as.character(min_dist$place1)
#return a data frame with df2 and distance
min_dist = data.frame(dplyr::filter(min_dist,
dist == min(min_dist$dist)
best_match(df1, 2, "abcdef")
## place2 place1 dist
## 1 abcdef abcd 2
best_match(df1, 2, "ab")
## place2 place1 dist
## 1 ab abc 1
best_match(df1, 2, "sentosa1")
## place2 place1 dist
## 1 sentosa1 sentosa 1
best_match(df1, 2, "marina1")
## place2 place1 dist
## 1 marina1 marina 1
## 2 marina1 marina2 1
Last but not the least, find n to m matches without explicit for loops
The final step with our favorite friend - mapply!
If you wish to parallelize with more cores, please replace it with mcmapply beforehand. But do load parallel package beforehand.
best_match_all = function(df1, df2, col_index, col_index2){
res = mapply(best_match,
index_col = rep(col_index, nrow(df2)),
string = df2[, col_index2],
MoreArgs = list(df = df1),
res_bind = bind_rows(res)
df2 = data.frame(
id = 1:3,
places2 = c("abcdef", "sentosa1", "marina1")
df2$places2 = as.character(df2$places2)
best_match_all(df1, df2, 2, 2)
## place2 place1 dist
## 1 abcdef abcd 2
## 2 sentosa1 sentosa 1
## 3 marina1 marina 1
## 4 marina1 marina2 1