Setting up a database for my Jarvis
As I run more sophiscated trading strategies, I require a proper database for training parameters and records.
Previously, I was using a mix of SQLite, RDA and CSV files - but going forward I will be using Mysql (workbench) to house my data.
Below is an example of database tables for my market neutral strategies. I will be using these tables for the following,
- Store optimized training parameters
- Store trading records
- For my daily scheduled jobs to pull key info like parameters, number of trading days VS half life, etc.
- In the intermediate to long term, if I choose to automate the trading process, MySql will be able to handle concurrent connections (unlike SQlite!)
Database schema for my Jarvis
#Create hyperparameters table (with date of training)
# DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
USE jarvis;
#Hyper-parameters schema
CREATE TABLE `market_neutral_hyper_parameters` (
id int(16) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
date_train date DEFAULT NULL,
ticker1 VARCHAR(100),
ticker2 VARCHAR(100),
ticker1_cfd VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ticker2_cfd VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ticker1_iscfd INT DEFAULT NULL,
ticker2_iscfd INT DEFAULT NULL,
ticker1_cur VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ticker2_cur VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
start_date date DEFAULT NULL,
end_date date DEFAULT NULL,
bband_days INT,
finance_rates DECIMAL(18,4),
path_rda VARCHAR(100),
is_coint_full INT,
is_coint_train INT,
is_coint_test INT,
half_life DECIMAL(18,4),
half_life_train DECIMAL(18,4),
half_life_test DECIMAL(18,4),
ret_yr DECIMAL(18,4),
ret_sharpe DECIMAL(18,4),
ret_yr_train DECIMAL(18,4),
ret_sharpe_train DECIMAL(18,4),
ret_yr_test DECIMAL(18,4),
ret_sharpe_test DECIMAL(18,4),
prop_days_mkt_train DECIMAL(18,4),
prop_days_mkt_test DECIMAL(18,4),
perc_win_train DECIMAL(18,4),
perc_win_test DECIMAL(18,4),
avg_days_mkt DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL,
avg_days_mkt_train DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL,
avg_days_mkt_test DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY id (id)
#Existing positions
CREATE TABLE `positions` (
pos_id int(16) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
id int(16), #linked to hyper-parameters
ticker1 VARCHAR(100),
ticker2 VARCHAR(100),
ticker1_cfd VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ticker2_cfd VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ticker1_iscfd INT DEFAULT NULL,
ticker2_iscfd INT DEFAULT NULL,
ticker1_cur VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ticker2_cur VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
entry_date date DEFAULT NULL,
exit_date date DEFAULT NULL,
entry_price1 DECIMAL(18,4),
entry_price2 DECIMAL(18,4),
exit_price1 DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL,
exit_price2 DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL,
entry_ratio DECIMAL(18,4),
exit_expect_ratio DECIMAL(18,4), #based on MA on entry day
exit_expect_profit DECIMAL(18,4),
exit_actual_ratio DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL,
num_pos1 INT,
num_pos2 INT,
realised_profits DECIMAL(18,4) DEFAULT NULL, #based on report
is_active INT,
UNIQUE KEY pos_id (pos_id)